About Investor Trust

Global Leader in Insurance and Investment Solutions

Investor Trust, under the ITA Group, operates across multiple jurisdictions, providing investors and advisors with sophisticated investment products and insurance services. The group’s commitment to delivering top-tier solutions is reflected in their pursuit of innovation and accessibility in financial services.


Project Challenges

The mobile app integrates tools like calculators and risk profiles, ensuring a consistent user experience across Android and iOS platforms with real-time functionality for financial advisors.

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Complex Feature Integration: Developing a mobile app that integrates various tools such as calculators, risk profiles, and a comprehensive resource library.
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Cross-Platform Consistency: Ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience across both Android and iOS platforms, which is crucial for user satisfaction and engagement.
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Real-Time Functionality: Implementing real-time save and share capabilities that require robust backend support to ensure fast and reliable performance.
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User Engagement and Accessibility: Creating an intuitive user interface that allows financial advisors to easily navigate through a wealth of resources and tools without extensive training or support.
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Ongoing Development and Support: Managing continuous feature development and system updates to keep the app relevant and highly functional in the fast-evolving financial sector.

How did we help?

Creole Studios addressed these challenges by deploying a skilled team and adopting a strategic development approach:

Step 1

Strategic Planning and Feature Prioritization

Collaborated closely with ITA Connect to understand their core requirements and prioritized the development of features that offered the highest value to financial advisors.

Step 2

Advanced Mobile Development

Utilized React Native to develop a cross-platform mobile application that delivers a consistent and responsive user experience on both Android and iOS devices. This choice facilitated the integration of complex functionalities like the interactive calculators and real-time sharing features.

Step 3

Robust Backend Integration

Leveraged technologies such as WordPress for content management and Bootstrap for responsive design, ensuring that the app’s backend was robust enough to handle real-time data processing and user interactions efficiently.

Step 4

Continuous Collaboration and Iterative Testing

Maintained an ongoing partnership that spanned over three years, involving regular updates, feature additions, and continuous testing to adapt to new market demands and technology advancements.

Step 5

Effective Project Management and Communication

Employed tools like BitBucket and Skype to manage the project effectively, ensuring transparency and consistent communication between the development team and ITA Connect.


App Design

Creole Studios was commissioned to develop ITA Connect, a comprehensive mobile app for Investor Trust, designed to equip financial advisers with essential marketing tools and resources. This app streamlines access to company information, client management tools, and sharing capabilities, enhancing the efficacy and reach of financial advisors on the go.


The Outcome!

The ITA Connect app has become a pivotal tool for financial advisors associated with Investor Trust, significantly enhancing their ability to access, utilize, and share resources efficiently. The app’s comprehensive features and intuitive design have led to improved engagement, better client service, and enhanced productivity for advisors on the move.

Karin Liu
"Users of the application haven’t had any issues with it so far. Creole Studios conducts great project management with 24/7 availability. They’re great at delivering on their promise."
