About Client

Striving for medical excellence and shaping the future of healthcare

Eddie Guo, A MD Student and ML & BME Researcher  at the Calgary University has been committed to supporting the general welfare and educational activities of his colleagues throughout their medical training. He wished to enhance the training experience of the trainees so that they can practice with standardised patient scenarios. To achieve this he approached Creole Studios do build an MVP using Generative AI and called it OSCE-GPT.


Project Challenges

The client sought to build the AI-powered OSCE-GPT app primarily to overcome limitations in traditional medical education methods, specifically in clinical skills training. Traditional Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) methods, while effective, often lack the dynamic and realistic interaction needed to fully prepare students for real-life medical scenarios.

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ENHANCE REALISM: The AI-driven platform replicates diverse and complex clinical scenarios that students might encounter in actual medical settings, providing a more realistic and engaging learning experience.
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INSUFFICIENT IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK: The traditional training methods did not provide timely or detailed feedback, hindering the students’ ability to learn from their experiences and make rapid improvements.
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NEED FOR DIVERSE CLINICAL SCENARIOS: There was a significant requirement for a wide range of clinical scenarios that could prepare students for the variety of challenges they would face in real medical settings.
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FOSTER CONTINUOUS LEARNING: The AI-powered app enables continuous learning and assessment opportunities outside of traditional settings or scheduled times, accommodating the varying schedules and learning paces of medical students.
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INNOVATE: By adopting AI technologies, client and his team positions themselves at the forefront of medical education innovation, preparing its students with cutting-edge tools and knowledge that align with the evolving landscape of healthcare.

How did we help?

Creole Studios addressed these challenges with a multifaceted approach in developing the OSCE-GPT app:

Step 1

In-Depth Requirement Gathering

We began by working closely with the client to gather comprehensive requirements. This collaboration ensured the app was perfectly aligned with the educational goals and specific needs of medical students.

Step 2

Advanced AI Integration

Utilizing Whisper for generating realistic patient dialogues and GPT-4 for enhancing the contextuality of responses, we created a platform where interactions mimic real-life complexities and subtleties of medical consultations.

Step 3

Scenario Development

A diverse array of clinical scenarios was developed, each designed to challenge the students in different aspects of medical practice, from diagnosis to emotional empathy.

Step 4

Educational Framework Integration

By integrating the Calgary-Cambridge guide directly into the app, we provided students with structured feedback and guidance on medical interviewing and history-taking techniques, crucial for their professional development.

Step 5

Technical Architecture

We chose a robust tech stack including Nest JS for backend operations, React JS for frontend development, and Whisper API integrated within the OpenAI framework, all hosted on Digital Ocean for reliable and scalable cloud infrastructure.


Tech Stack used

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Design and flow

Creole Studios developed the OSCE-GPT app, revolutionizing medical education with lifelike virtual patient interactions and AI-driven feedback.

Key features include

  1. Virtual Patient Interactions – Speech to Speech
  2. AI-Powered Feedback with images
  3. Clinical Scenario Database
  4. Real-Time Decision Making
  5. SOAP output

The outcome

The OSCE-GPT app significantly impacted the medical education training by providing an immersive, interactive learning platform that prepares students more effectively for real-world clinical environments. The app’s sophisticated AI-driven interactions and immediate feedback mechanisms have been instrumental in enhancing the clinical skills and decision-making abilities of medical students. The technology has not only met but exceeded expectations in preparing students for their future roles as medical professionals.

Eddie Guo
"Creole Studios met the major milestones within the correct timeline. They also successfully hosted the app online. Their work was high-quality. The team was able to incorporate additional requests throughout the project and they were flexible about scheduling calls. Thank you to Creole Studios for your valuable contributions to the app’s development :)"
