About Target Align

Pioneering Excellence in OKR Solutions

Target Align specializes in providing top-tier OKR application services and training, focusing on helping organizations achieve their goals through strategic planning and performance management. With a commitment to customer-centric service and excellence, Target Align ensures their clients have the tools and knowledge to reach their milestones effectively.


Project Challenges

Building a multifaceted SAAS product involved understanding complex requirements, integrating diverse features, designing intuitive interfaces, and ensuring scalable, secure architecture.

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Complex System Requirements: Building a multifaceted SAAS product from only a basic Business Requirements Document (BRD) presented significant challenges in fully understanding and implementing the required features and functionalities.
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Feature Integration and Customization: Integrating diverse OKR management features such as real-time tracking, powerful decision-making capabilities, and the unique Vision Mission Strategy Benefits (VMSB) system into a cohesive platform required careful planning and execution to ensure functionality and user-friendliness.
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User Experience Design: Designing intuitive and effective wireframes and UI designs for multiple components of the system, including user interfaces, owner panels, and admin panels, to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience.
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Scalable and Secure Architecture: Developing a robust and secure application architecture using a complex stack of technologies including React JS, NodeJS, AWS, and DynamoDB, capable of supporting scalable and high-performance operations.
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Phased Development Execution: Managing a comprehensive development process divided into multiple phases, each with distinct objectives and deliverables, required meticulous planning and coordination to maintain focus and clarity throughout the project lifecycle.
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Integration of Sophisticated Technologies: Implementing and integrating advanced technologies such as Single Sign-On (SSO) and Typescript into the development process to enhance security and application performance.

How did we help?

Creole Studios delivered an effective and strategic solution to develop the Target Align OKR application:

Step 1

Project Discovery and SRS Development

We began the project with in-depth discovery meetings to address and fill any gaps found in the initial BRD. This collaborative process led to the creation of a comprehensive Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document, outlining detailed functionalities, features, and system requirements which guided the entire development process.

Step 2

System Design and Wireframing

Our team developed detailed wireframes for the entire system, encompassing both the front-end user interfaces and the back-end admin parts. These wireframes served as a blueprint for the subsequent UI/UX design phase, ensuring that all elements were aligned with client expectations and end-user needs.

Step 3

UI/UX Design and Approval

We crafted engaging and functional UI designs for each module of the project, ensuring that they were not only aesthetically pleasing but also intuitive for end-users. Each design was subjected to client review and approval before proceeding to the development phase, ensuring alignment with client vision and objectives.

Step 4

Phased Development and Technology Implementation

Utilizing a modern technology stack, including React JS for the front-end, NodeJS for server-side operations, and AWS for hosting and storage, we developed the application in four distinct phases. This phased approach allowed for focused and efficient execution of features, with each phase dedicated to specific components of the application.

Step 5

Quality Assurance and Iterative Testing

At the end of each development phase, our QA team performed detailed test cases to ensure the application was free from bugs and stable. This rigorous testing process helped in maintaining high quality and functionality of the application.

Step 6

Team Structure and Management

The project was completed with a dedicated team consisting of four developers, one UI designer, one business analyst, one project manager, and one QA specialist. This team worked collaboratively over a year, ensuring that each phase of the project was executed on time and to the highest standards.


Tech Stack

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Need help?

Design & Flow

Creole Studios developed a comprehensive SAAS-based OKR application for Target Align, designed to enhance their client’s ability to set and achieve organizational goals effectively. The application integrates advanced OKR management features with unique tools like Vision Mission Strategy Benefits (VMSB) to aid in strategic decision-making and enhance employee engagement.


The outcome

The Target Align OKR application effectively transformed how organizations manage and achieve their objectives, providing a robust, intuitive, and feature-rich platform that facilitates strategic decision-making and enhances employee engagement through innovative features. This case study underscores Creole Studios’ expertise in managing complex software development projects and delivering high-quality SAAS products tailored to meet specific client needs.

Guy Cheung
"Creole Studios has been an integral part of this project. They has been a very good listener and understanding to the situation. Always able to come back with suggestions, what works and what will not work."
