Quick Summary
Looking for the best charting solutions for your React projects in 2025? This blog explores the top 7 React chart libraries that offer powerful data visualization, seamless integration, and high performance. From feature-rich options like Recharts and Chart.js to highly customizable libraries like Nivo and Visx, we cover the best tools to create stunning, interactive charts. Whether you need simple bar graphs or complex dashboards, this guide will help you choose the right library to enhance your application’s data presentation.
Choosing the right chart library is crucial for building visually appealing and data-driven React applications. With numerous options available, selecting the best one can be challenging. Whether you need interactive dashboards, real-time analytics, or simple data visualizations, the right tool can make a significant difference. In this guide, we explore the top 7 React chart libraries to use in 2025, helping developers and businesses make informed decisions. If you’re looking for expert assistance, a ReactJS development company can help you seamlessly integrate these libraries into your project for optimal performance.
Top 7 charting libraries for React
Recharts is a React-specific charting library that offers easy integration, SVG-based rendering, and responsive design. It supports various chart types like Line, Bar, and Pie. With a component-based API, lightweight structure, and customization options, it’s ideal for small to medium datasets in dashboards and data visualization projects.
- Component-Based: Built specifically for React, using JSX syntax for easy integration.
- SVG-Based Rendering: Ensures high-quality visuals with crisp and scalable graphics.
- Built-in Responsiveness: Adapts well to different screen sizes without extra effort.
- Supports Various Chart Types: Line, Bar, Pie, Area, Scatter, Radar, and more.
- Lightweight & Performant: Good performance for small to medium datasets.
- Customizable: Allows easy styling via props and CSS.
- Good Community Support: Well-documented with an active developer community.
1. Import the Required Components
import { LineChart, Line, XAxis, YAxis, CartesianGrid, Tooltip, Legend } from 'recharts';
2. Define Your Data
const data = [
{ name: 'Jan', sales: 400 },
{ name: 'Feb', sales: 300 },
{ name: 'Mar', sales: 500 },
{ name: 'Apr', sales: 600 }
3. Create a Basic Line Chart
const MyChart = () => (
<LineChart width={500} height={300} data={data}>
<CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" />
<XAxis dataKey="name" />
<YAxis />
<Tooltip />
<Legend />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="sales" stroke="#8884d8" strokeWidth={2} />
- Easy to use with React’s component-based approach
- Supports SVG-based rendering for crisp visuals
- Works well with responsive layouts
- Good documentation and community support
- Limited customization compared to other libraries
- Can be slow with large datasets
- Doesn’t support WebGL for high-performance rendering
yarn add recharts
npm install recharts
Follow Link – https://recharts.org
Chart.js with react-chartjs-2
Chart.js with react-chartjs-2 provides interactive, animated, and responsive charts using a canvas-based rendering approach. It supports various chart types like Line, Bar, and Pie, offering great performance and built-in tooltips. Ideal for data-rich applications, though customization is more complex compared to SVG-based libraries like Recharts.
- Canvas-Based Rendering: Provides smooth, high-performance chart rendering.
- Rich Interactivity & Animations: Built-in tooltips, hover effects, and transitions.
- Multiple Chart Types: Line, Bar, Pie, Doughnut, Radar, Polar Area, Scatter, and more.
- Highly Configurable: Supports plugins, datasets, and advanced styling.
- Responsive & Adaptive: Works well on different screen sizes.
- Supports Large Datasets: Handles complex visualizations efficiently.
1. Import Components
import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2';
import { Chart as ChartJS, CategoryScale, LinearScale, PointElement, LineElement, Title, Tooltip, Legend } from 'chart.js';
// Register required components
ChartJS.register(CategoryScale, LinearScale, PointElement, LineElement, Title, Tooltip, Legend);
2. Define Chart Data
const data = {
labels: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr'],
datasets: [
label: 'Sales',
data: [400, 300, 500, 600],
borderColor: '#36A2EB',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
borderWidth: 2,
3. Create a Line Chart Component
const MyChart = () => (
<Line data={data} options={{ responsive: true, plugins: { legend: { position: 'top' } } }} />
- Feature-rich with animations, tooltips, and interactivity
- Good performance for small to medium datasets
- Supports multiple chart types (line, bar, pie, radar, etc.)
- Canvas-based rendering makes customization harder than SVG
- Limited support for large datasets
- Requires additional effort for responsiveness
yarn add chart.js react-chartjs-2
npm install chart.js react-chartjs-2
Follow Link for React chart js 2 – https://react-chartjs-2.js.org
Follow Link for chart js – https://www.chartjs.org
Nivo is a React chart library offering stunning visuals, responsive design, and smooth animations. With SVG, Canvas, and WebGL rendering, it supports various chart types like Bar, Line, and Heatmaps. Ideal for interactive dashboards, it provides rich theming, customization, and easy integration, making it perfect for data visualization projects.
- Beautiful & Modern Designs: Pre-styled charts with stunning visuals.
- SVG, Canvas & WebGL Rendering: Balances performance and flexibility.
- Fully Responsive & Themed: Adapts to all screen sizes with customizable themes.
- Rich Interactivity & Animations: Includes tooltips, legends, and motion effects.
- Supports Various Chart Types: Line, Bar, Pie, Radar, Heatmaps, GeoMaps, and more.
- Easy Integration with React: Uses component-based API with intuitive props.
1. Import the Required Components
import { ResponsiveBar } from '@nivo/bar';
2. Define Chart Data
const data = [
{ country: 'USA', sales: 400 },
{ country: 'UK', sales: 300 },
{ country: 'Germany', sales: 500 },
{ country: 'France', sales: 600 },
3. Create a Bar Chart Component
const MyBarChart = () => (
margin={{ top: 50, right: 130, bottom: 50, left: 60 }}
colors={{ scheme: 'nivo' }}
borderColor={{ from: 'color', modifiers: [['darker', 1.6]] }}
axisBottom={{ tickSize: 5, tickPadding: 5, tickRotation: 0, legend: 'Country', legendPosition: 'middle', legendOffset: 32 }}
axisLeft={{ tickSize: 5, tickPadding: 5, tickRotation: 0, legend: 'Sales', legendPosition: 'middle', legendOffset: -40 }}
dataFrom: 'keys',
anchor: 'bottom-right',
direction: 'column',
translateX: 120,
itemWidth: 100,
itemHeight: 20,
itemsSpacing: 2,
symbolSize: 20,
- Stunning, well-designed charts out of the box
- Supports SVG, Canvas, and API-based charts
- Theming and interactivity built-in
- Works well with responsive designs
- Slightly larger bundle size
- Steeper learning curve compared to Recharts
- Can be overkill for simple charts
yarn add @nivo/core @nivo/bar @nivo/line
npm install @nivo/core @nivo/bar @nivo/line
Follow Link – https://nivo.rocks
Visx (Airbnb)
Visx (by Airbnb) is a powerful low-level visualization library that combines D3.js with React for fully customizable charts. It’s lightweight, modular, and flexible, allowing developers to build unique data visualizations. Ideal for highly customized dashboards, it requires D3 knowledge but offers great performance with SVG-based rendering and reusable chart components.
- D3 + React Integration: Combines D3’s power with React’s declarative nature.
- Highly Customizable: Provides low-level building blocks to create unique charts.
- Lightweight & Modular: Only imports the required packages, reducing bundle size.
- SVG-Based Rendering: Ensures high-quality, scalable graphics.
- Composable Components: Build reusable and interactive visualizations.
- Great Performance: Efficient for complex charts and large datasets.
- D3-Powered Scales & Axes – Supports linear, time, log, and ordinal scales.
- Multiple Chart Types – Line, Bar, Pie, Treemaps, and more.
- Fully Customizable & Extendable – Ideal for complex dashboards.
- Supports Large Datasets – Handles thousands of data points efficiently.
1. Import the Required Components
import { Bar } from '@visx/shape';
import { Group } from '@visx/group';
import { scaleLinear, scaleBand } from '@visx/scale';
2. Define Chart Data & Scales
const data = [
{ country: 'USA', sales: 400 },
{ country: 'UK', sales: 300 },
{ country: 'Germany', sales: 500 },
{ country: 'France', sales: 600 },
const xScale = scaleBand({
domain: data.map(d => d.country),
padding: 0.4,
range: [0, 400],
const yScale = scaleLinear({
domain: [0, Math.max(...data.map(d => d.sales))],
range: [300, 0],
3. Create a Bar Chart Component
const MyBarChart = () => (
<svg width={500} height={400}>
<Group top={20} left={40}>
{data.map(d => (
height={300 - yScale(d.sales)}
- Combines React with D3 for maximum flexibility
- Modular: Use only what you need, reducing bundle size
- Great for building unique, non-standard visualizations
- Requires a deeper understanding of D3
- More effort needed for setting up charts
- Not as beginner-friendly as Recharts or Chart.js
Follow Link – https://airbnb.io/visx
Victory is a powerful React chart library offering beautiful, pre-styled SVG charts with a declarative API. It supports a variety of chart types like Line, Bar, and Pie, and is highly customizable. With accessible design and smooth animations, it’s ideal for building interactive dashboards and reports.
- Declarative & Easy-to-Use: Component-based API for quick chart creation.
- Beautiful, Pre-Styled Charts: Modern designs with polished animations.
- SVG-Based Rendering: High-quality, scalable graphics.
- Supports Various Chart Types: Line, Bar, Pie, Area, Scatter, Radar, and more.
- Accessible by Default: ARIA support for better usability.
- Highly Customizable: Modify colors, labels, tooltips, and interactions.
- Built-in Animations & Transitions – Smooth effects for dynamic data.
- Multiple Chart Types – Combine bar, line, and scatter charts.
- Custom Labels & Tooltips – Easily modify text and display options.
- Theming & Styling – Supports predefined and custom themes.
- Great for Dashboards & Reports – Perfect for interactive and polished visualizations.
1. Import the Required Components
import { VictoryBar, VictoryChart, VictoryAxis, VictoryTheme } from 'victory';
2. Define Chart Data
const data = [
{ country: 'USA', sales: 400 },
{ country: 'UK', sales: 300 },
{ country: 'Germany', sales: 500 },
{ country: 'France', sales: 600 },
3. Create a Bar Chart Component
const MyBarChart = () => (
<VictoryChart theme={VictoryTheme.material} domainPadding={20}>
<VictoryAxis tickValues={['USA', 'UK', 'Germany', 'France']} />
<VictoryAxis dependentAxis />
<VictoryBar data={data} x="country" y="sales" style={{ data: { fill: "#36A2EB" } }} />
- Fully accessible with ARIA support
- Simple API for React developers
- Supports animations and interactions
- Limited chart types
- Performance issues with large datasets
- Less customization compared to Nivo and Visx
yarn add victory
npm install victory
Follow Link – https://commerce.nearform.com/open-source/victory
React-Vis (Uber)
React-Vis (by Uber) is a flexible React chart library that provides rich visualizations like Line, Bar, Pie, and Scatter charts. It supports customizable styling and interactive features, offering an easy-to-use API. Ideal for complex data visualizations, it’s highly extendable but less actively maintained than newer libraries.
- Wide Range of Charts: Line, Bar, Pie, Scatter, Heatmaps, and more.
- Customizable Styling: Offers flexibility in colors, shapes, and labels.
- Interactive Features: Supports zoom, pan, tooltips, and legends.
- Declarative API: Simple and intuitive API for easy chart creation.
- Easy Integration: Works seamlessly with React applications.
- Data Aggregation: Provides built-in functionality for dealing with large datasets.
1. Import the Required Components
import { XYPlot, LineSeries, XAxis, YAxis, CartesianGrid, Tooltip } from 'react-vis';
2. Define Chart Data
const data = [
{ x: 1, y: 10 },
{ x: 2, y: 20 },
{ x: 3, y: 30 },
{ x: 4, y: 40 },
3. Create a Line Chart Component
const MyLineChart = () => (
<XYPlot width={500} height={300}>
<CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" />
<XAxis />
<YAxis />
<Tooltip />
<LineSeries data={data} />
- Good balance between simplicity and power
- Easy to integrate with React projects
- Lightweight compared to other libraries
- Development has slowed down (less active updates)
- Not as visually appealing as Nivo or Victory
- Customization requires more effort
yarn add react-vis
npm install react-vis
Follow Link – https://uber.github.io/react-vis
ECharts for React (Apache ECharts)
ECharts for React (Apache ECharts) is a powerful, interactive charting library that supports multiple chart types like Line, Bar, and Heatmap. It offers canvas-based rendering for handling large datasets, high customizability, real-time updates, and responsive design, making it perfect for complex data visualizations and dynamic dashboards.
- Wide Variety of Charts: Line, Bar, Pie, Scatter, Heatmap, Radar, and more.
- Rich Interactive Features: Tooltips, data zooming, panning, and dynamic updates.
- High Customizability: Full control over chart appearance and interactions.
- Canvas-Based Rendering: Great for handling large datasets and high-performance visualizations.
- Responsive Design: Adapts to various screen sizes.
- Large Dataset Handling: Optimized for big data visualizations and real-time updates.
- Real-Time Data Updates – Easily handle streaming data.
- Interactive Features – Supports zoom, tooltip, legend filtering, etc.
- Custom Themes & Styles – Offers built-in themes and deep styling options.
- Efficient Data Handling – Designed for handling large datasets with high performance.
1. Import the Required Components
import ReactECharts from 'echarts-for-react';
2. Define Chart Option
const option = {
title: {
text: 'Sales Overview',
subtext: '2025',
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
legend: {
data: ['Sales'],
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
data: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr'],
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
series: [
name: 'Sales',
type: 'line',
data: [400, 300, 500, 600],
3. Create a Chart Component
const MyChart = () => (
<ReactECharts option={option} style={{ height: 400, width: '100%' }} />
- Extremely powerful with animations, themes, and interactions
- Supports large datasets efficiently (WebGL-powered)
- Rich chart types, including heatmaps, tree maps, and more
- Complex API with a learning curve
- Heavier bundle size compared to Recharts or Chart.js
- Some features require manual optimization for responsiveness
yarn add echarts-for-react echarts
npm install echarts-for-react echarts
Follow Link – https://echarts.apache.org
Which React Charting Libraries Should You Choose?
For Simplicity & Quick Setup: Recharts, Chart.js
- If you want an easy-to-use charting library that works seamlessly with React, Recharts and Chart.js (with react-chartjs-2) are the best choices.
- Recharts is component-based, meaning you can quickly create charts using React’s JSX syntax. It works great for simple bar, line, and pie charts but can struggle with large datasets.
- Chart.js provides animated and interactive charts with built-in tooltips and responsiveness. However, since it’s canvas-based, customizing individual elements can be tricky compared to SVG-based libraries like Recharts.
💡 Best For: Quick data visualization in React apps, dashboards, and projects where ease of use is a priority.
For Beautiful, Modern Designs: Nivo, Victory
- If you want charts that look stunning out of the box, Nivo and Victory are excellent choices.
- Nivo offers pre-styled, theme-friendly charts with built-in responsiveness, interactivity, and animations. It’s great for dashboards, reports, and visual storytelling.
- Victory is perfect for applications that need both accessibility (ARIA support) and modern designs. It allows for smooth animations and a declarative API but has fewer chart types than Nivo.
💡 Best For: Dashboards, data storytelling, and applications that need polished and responsive charts.
For Highly Customizable Charts: Visx, React-Vis
- For developers who need full control over their chart components, Visx (by Airbnb) and React-Vis (by Uber) provide maximum flexibility.
- Visx is built on D3.js and is completely modular, meaning you only import the features you need, making it a lightweight solution. However, it requires some D3 knowledge to get the most out of it.
- React-Vis is more user-friendly than Visx and provides a good balance between flexibility and simplicity, but it’s not as actively maintained as other libraries.
💡 Best For: Developers who want full customization, D3.js users, and projects needing unique visualizations.
For Handling Large Datasets: ECharts
- If your application needs to process and visualize large amounts of data efficiently, ECharts is the best choice.
- It supports WebGL rendering, making it one of the most high-performance chart libraries available.
- It includes advanced features like real-time updates, interactive drill-downs, and complex visualizations like heatmaps, tree maps, and 3D charts.
💡 Best For: Big data applications, financial charts, and performance-intensive dashboards.
Choosing the best charting library for React depends on your project’s specific requirements. If you need a simple setup, Recharts and Chart.js are great options. For visually stunning charts with theming capabilities, Nivo and Victory excel. Developers seeking highly customizable solutions can explore Visx and React-Vis, while ECharts is ideal for handling large datasets with high performance. Each library offers unique advantages, so balancing performance, flexibility, and usability is key. If you need expert guidance, you can hire ReactJS developers to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance.
1. Which is the easiest React chart library to use?
If you’re looking for a chart library that is easy to integrate and use, Recharts and Chart.js (with react-chartjs-2) are the best options. Recharts is component-based and works seamlessly with React, allowing you to create bar, line, and pie charts with minimal configuration. Chart.js, on the other hand, provides rich animations and interactivity, but since it’s canvas-based, styling and customization can be a bit more complex than Recharts. Both are great for beginners and quick implementations.
2. Which React chart library is best for large datasets?
For handling large datasets, ECharts (echarts-for-react) is the top choice. Unlike libraries that rely solely on SVG rendering, ECharts supports WebGL, allowing it to efficiently render thousands of data points without performance issues. It also includes advanced features like lazy loading, real-time data updates, and drill-down interactions, making it ideal for big data applications and complex dashboards. However, its API is more complex compared to Recharts or Chart.js, so it requires a learning curve.
3. What is the most customizable React chart library?
If you need complete control over your chart visualizations, Visx (by Airbnb) is the most flexible and customizable library. It acts as a low-level visualization framework built on D3.js, allowing you to create completely custom chart components with full control over animations, interactivity, and styling. However, it requires knowledge of D3 and has a steeper learning curve compared to plug-and-play libraries like Recharts or Nivo.
4. Which React chart library has the best design and visuals?
Nivo stands out when it comes to beautiful, modern, and well-designed charts. It provides a wide range of stunning, pre-styled charts with built-in theming, animations, and interactivity. Its charts are also responsive by default, making it a great choice for data dashboards and storytelling applications. However, since it includes many features, it has a larger bundle size compared to simpler libraries like Recharts or React-Vis.
5. Which library should I choose for accessibility (ARIA support)?If accessibility is a priority, Victory is the best option. It includes built-in ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation support, making charts more accessible for users with disabilities. This is especially important for applications that need to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). While it offers a simple API and good customization options, it has fewer chart types compared to libraries like ECharts or Nivo.