About Digihappy

Simplifying Digital Communication for Seniors

Digihappy offers a “tablet as a service” specifically designed for seniors, making digital interaction accessible and straightforward. With pre-configured tablets complete with internet connection, Digihappy enables seniors to engage with family and healthcare providers through easy-to-use video calling functionality, without any need for technical assistance.


Project Challenges

Digihappy project primarily needed a technical partner with specific video calling expertise. Client wanted to develop a user-friendly, robust mobile and tablet applications tailored to seniors.

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Complex System Integration: Developing a seamless video calling module that integrates with the backend architecture, ensuring it's easy for seniors to use.
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Multilingual Support: Incorporating multiple languages (English, Swedish, Finnish) to cater to a diverse user base.
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Accessibility Features: Implementing features like auto-answer for Android devices to accommodate seniors who may have difficulty operating digital devices.
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Scalable and Secure Architecture: Ensuring the system is secure and scalable, capable of handling multiple simultaneous users without compromising performance.
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Continuous Deployment and Support: Managing ongoing updates and maintenance through a phased development approach over 18 months.

How did we help?

Creole Studios played a pivotal role in transforming the digital communication capabilities for seniors through Digihappy by implementing a series of targeted technical and design strategies:

Step 1

Advanced Video Calling Infrastructure

We implemented the WebRTC-based LiveKit framework to facilitate real-time video communication. This framework was chosen for its robustness and ability to handle live video streams efficiently, ensuring that seniors could engage in video calls effortlessly, with features such as auto-answer for ease of use.

Step 2

Backend System Development

The backend was developed using NodeJS, which provided the necessary scalability and performance to handle multiple user interactions simultaneously. Socket technology was integrated for real-time communication capabilities, ensuring that message exchanges and video calls occurred without delay.

Step 3

Cross-Platform Mobile and Tablet Applications

Using Flutter, we developed applications that worked seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring a wide range of device compatibility. This approach allowed family members, caregivers, and seniors to use their existing devices to access Digihappy services without requiring additional hardware investments.

Step 4

Multilingual User Interface

To cater to Digihappy’s diverse user base, we developed the application in English, Swedish, and Finnish. This multilingual support was crucial for ensuring that the app was accessible and usable for non-English speaking seniors, thereby expanding the service’s reach.

Step 5

Security and Compliance

We implemented comprehensive security measures using AWS services. AWS CloudWatch was used for monitoring and logging the application’s performance, S3 buckets for secure data storage, EC2 for scalable computing capacity, and RDS for reliable database services. This not only ensured data security but also compliance with best practices in cloud infrastructure.

Step 6

Continuous Integration and Deployment

Using AppCircle for CI/CD, we ensured that updates and new features were rolled out smoothly and without disrupting the service. This tool allowed for continuous updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements to be deployed efficiently.

Step 7

User Experience Design and Testing

The UI was carefully designed to be senior-friendly, incorporating large buttons, high-contrast visuals, and simple navigation paths. We conducted extensive UX testing with seniors to ensure that the design was intuitive and met their specific needs.

Step 8

Device Management Integration

We integrated Scalefusion, a Mobile Device Management (MDM) service, to manage tablet devices remotely. This was particularly important for providing IT support and troubleshooting without needing physical access to the devices, thus simplifying the management of the tablets.

Step 9

Collaborative Team Approach

Our project team included two Flutter developers, one UI designer, one senior backend developer, one front-end developer, and one QA specialist. This team worked closely with Digihappy’s founder, Tiina, and COO, Johanna, through a fixed cost project initially, which later shifted to an Agile dedicated manpower model to allow for flexibility in response to evolving project needs.


Tech stack used

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Need help?

Design and flow

Creole Studios developed a comprehensive video calling and backend system for Digihappy, enhancing digital communication for seniors. This system supports effortless, real-time interactions between seniors and their families, caregivers, and healthcare providers, ensuring that seniors can participate in family life and receive care without the need for technical know-how.


The Outcome

The Digihappy project significantly enhanced the digital communication capabilities for seniors, providing them with a user-friendly platform to stay connected with their families and healthcare providers. The system’s robust architecture and intuitive design have made it a critical tool in improving the quality of life for seniors, ensuring they remain integrated in family and social circles despite physical distance or mobility limitations.

Tiina Levio
“Creole Studios have been very professional whilst working on our mobile app. We have achieved the video conferencing and added more features. We appreciate the hardwork put in by the whole team.”
