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Introduction to GPT4o

The Evolution of Language Models

Language models have come a long way since the initial days of natural language processing (NLP). Initially, rule-based systems dominated, providing prescribed responses to specific inputs. The development of neural network-based models marked a significant shift, introducing a level of fluidity and adaptability in responses. These transformations have culminated in the creation of more advanced models such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 and its latest iteration, GPT4o.

OpenAI has consistently pushed boundaries in deep learning, continually improving model performance and user experience. The evolution from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4 brought enhanced capabilities in text generation and comprehension. Now, GPT4o, the newest model, promises even greater advancements.

What is GPT4o?

GPT4o, where “o” stands for “omni,” represents the latest milestone in the evolution of language models by OpenAI. More than just a text generator, GPT4o integrates audio, vision, and text processing capabilities into a single, end-to-end model. It brings forward GPT-4-level intelligence, extending its features to free and paid users.

What’s shifting GPT4o apart is its multimodal prowess, enabling it to accept and generate outputs across text, audio, and images. This model aims to deliver highly natural and real-time human-computer interactions, making it highly efficient and practical in various applications, including customer support, content creation, and educational tools.

Is Gpt4o free?

Gpt4o is not free. We have tried to show the Gpt4o cost in comparison to Gpt-4 cost.

Comparison GPT4 turbo vs GPT4o pricing

gpt4oUS$5.00 / 1M tokensUS$15.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4o-2024-05-13US$5.00 / 1M tokensUS$15.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-turboUS$10.00 / 1M tokensUS$30.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09US$10.00 / 1M tokensUS$30.00 / 1M tokens

Gpt4o token limit

Gpt4o has a context length of 128k tokens with an output token limit capped to 2,048

Key Features and Benefits of GPT4o

Speed and efficiency

  • GPT-4o is 2x faster at generating tokens than GPT-4 Turbo.
  • GPT4o limit: it has five times the rate limit (up to 10 million tokens per minute). 

Enhanced Natural Language Understanding

GPT4o has significantly improved its natural language understanding capabilities. It matches the performance of GPT-4 Turbo on text comprehension in English and code but offers significant enhancements in non-English languages. This provides users with more accurate, contextually aware responses across different languages.

Multimodal Processing

GPT-4o can handle and analyze both images and videos, a significant upgrade from previous models that primarily focused on text. This allows for more comprehensive multimedia interactions and applications

Improved Accuracy in Image Analysis

While the initial implementations have shown some room for improvement, GPT-4o is designed to provide more accurate analysis and description of visual content. This involves recognizing objects, scenes, and activities in both images and videos.

Integration with Text and Voice

The vision capabilities are integrated with the model’s text and voice processing features, enabling seamless transitions and interactions across different types of input. For instance, users can describe an image verbally and receive a detailed analysis or narrative description from the model.

Real-Time Interaction

GPT-4o’s ability to process visual inputs in real-time enhances its utility in interactive applications, such as virtual assistants and real-time video analysis. This can be particularly useful in scenarios like video conferencing, live streaming, and interactive tutorials.

Multilingual Capabilities

With its improved tokenization system, GPT4o is better equipped to handle multiple languages. It achieves higher performance in languages such as Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, and others. This multilingual capability makes GPT4o a powerful tool for global applications, helping break language barriers in communication.

Broader Availability

GPT-4o is available to users across all subscription tiers, including free users, although premium tiers like Plus and Enterprise gain earlier access and higher usage limits.

Improved Knowledge Cutoff

The model has an updated knowledge base up to October 2023, providing more recent information compared to GPT-4 Turbo’s April 2023 cutoff.

The o200k_base tokenizer

The introduction of the o200k_base tokenizer marks a significant advancement in the capabilities of GPT-4-o, OpenAI’s latest AI model. Tokenization, the process of breaking text into manageable units, is essential for efficient natural language processing. The o200k_base tokenizer is faster and more efficient, enabling GPT-4-o to process and generate language at unprecedented speeds. This tokenizer enhances semantic coherence and supports multiple languages more effectively, expanding GPT-4-o’s usability across various linguistic contexts. Source: Microsoft Tech Community

Features and Capabilities:

  • Multimodal Inputs and Outputs: GPT-4-o can handle diverse data types, unlike earlier models limited to text, making it a truly “omni” model.
  • Improved Token Generation Speed: Generates tokens twice as fast as GPT-4 Turbo, enhancing efficiency for real-time applications.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Gpt4o cost is more affordable in API, making it accessible to a broader range of users and developers.
  • Enhanced Vision Capabilities: Superior image recognition and manipulation compared to previous models.

The o200k_base tokenizer particularly shines in handling non-English languages. It significantly reduces the number of tokens needed for non-English words, outperforming the Gemma tokenizer and previous models.

Token Count Comparison:

  • GPT-4o (o200k_base): 33 tokens
  • Gemma (google/gemma-7b): 40 tokens
  • GPT-4 (cl100k_base): 101 tokens

Percentage Differences:

  • GPT-4o vs GPT-4: 206.06%
  • GPT-4o vs Gemma: 21.21%

Test the new tokenizer on Google Colab here. (source: LinkedIn)

How Does GPT4o Work?

Gpt4o Architecture

At its core, GPT4o is built on the principles of transformer architecture, similar to its predecessors. However, it extends these principles by incorporating audio and vision capabilities alongside text processing. The end-to-end neural network of GPT4o ensures that all inputs and outputs are processed coherently, allowing the model to operate seamlessly across multiple modalities.

Training Process of GPT4o

OpenAI spent significant efforts over the past two years improving the training efficiency and scalability of GPT4o. The model has been trained on a diverse dataset that includes text, audio, and visual information. This comprehensive training process ensures that the model can understand and generate responses in a highly contextualized and natural manner.

Fine-Tuning and Customization

One of the strengths of GPT4o lies in its ability to be fine-tuned and customized. Users and developers can tailor the model to specific domains or applications, allowing it to excel in niche use-cases. This flexibility makes GPT4o an incredibly adaptable tool for various industries, from content creation to technical support.

Role of Data in GPT4o’s Performance

Data plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of GPT4o. OpenAI has fine-tuned the training data and implemented robust filtering techniques to refine the model’s behavior further. This meticulous data curation ensures that GPT4o delivers accurate and reliable outputs across different modalities and applications.

Use Cases of GPT4o

Applications in Content Creation

GPT4o’s advanced capabilities make it an excellent tool for content creators. It can generate high-quality text, create visual content, and even produce audio narrations. Content creators can leverage GPT4o to brainstorm ideas, draft articles, generate scripts, and enhance their creative projects with ease.

Customer Support and Chatbots

In customer support, GPT4o can dramatically improve the efficiency and effectiveness of chatbots and virtual assistants. Its ability to understand and generate text, alongside its new vision and audio capabilities, means it can handle more complex queries and provide more accurate resolutions. This results in better user experiences and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Educational Tools and E-Learning

The integration of multimodal capabilities in GPT4o opens up new possibilities for education and e-learning. It can interact with students in a more human-like manner, provide explanations via text and voice, and even analyze visual content such as diagrams or hand-drawn notes. This fosters a more engaging and effective learning environment.

Healthcare and Medical Research

In healthcare, GPT4o’s advanced text, audio, and vision capabilities can assist in various tasks, from medical transcription to machine learning research. It can help analyze medical images, transcribe and summarize patient consultations, and provide valuable insights derived from vast amounts of medical literature, making it an invaluable asset in the medical field.

Gpt4o limit : Limitations & Challenges

Potential Bias: Like its predecessors, GPT-4o can exhibit biases in its responses due to the data it was trained on. Ongoing efforts are required to identify and mitigate these biases to ensure fair and accurate outputs.

Resource Intensive: Running and maintaining GPT-4o demands significant computational resources, which could be a barrier for certain users or organizations lacking access to high-end computing infrastructure.

Nuanced Understanding: Despite its advanced capabilities, GPT-4o may struggle with nuanced or specialized content, necessitating human oversight in complex scenarios to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Imperfect Output: GPT-4o, like all generative AI models, is not flawless and may produce incorrect or misleading information at times. For instance, it can misinterpret speech, fail in translating between non-English languages, or generate inappropriate tones in responses.

Risks of Deepfakes: GPT-4o’s audio capabilities raise concerns about the potential for generating convincing deepfake audio, enabling malicious actors to impersonate individuals and perpetrate scams or misinformation.

Trustworthiness and Verification: Due to its training methodology, GPT-4o lacks inherent beliefs or values and can exhibit inconsistent responses, necessitating careful verification of its outputs before reliance on the information provided.


The resignation of most of OpenAI’s safety team and Scarlett Johansson’s accusation regarding unauthorized voice replication have put the company in damage control. Additionally, GPT-4o’s training data for its tokenizer is polluted by phrases from Chinese spam websites, causing issues such as hallucinations and misuse. Over 90 of the 100 longest Chinese tokens are related to pornography and gambling, highlighting a significant problem with data quality and content filtering in AI training datasets. This incident underscores the broader challenge of sourcing quality Chinese text data for large language models.

Source: MIT Technology Review

Key Points in the report

  • GPT-4o released with interactive capabilities but faces significant issues.
  • OpenAI’s safety team resigned, and Scarlett Johansson accused the company of unauthorized voice replication.
  • Training data for the tokenizer polluted by Chinese spam websites.
  • Over 90% of the longest Chinese tokens are related to pornography and gambling.
  • Highlights the broader challenge of sourcing quality Chinese text data for AI training.


Recap of Key Points

GPT4o represents a significant advancement in AI technology, integrating text, audio, and vision capabilities into a single model. Its enhanced natural language understanding, broader knowledge base, improved contextual analysis, and multilingual capabilities make it a versatile tool for various applications.

Final Thoughts on GPT4o

The introduction of GPT4o marks a new era in AI, offering more natural and real-time interactions with computers. As OpenAI continues to refine and enhance this model, GPT4o is set to play a crucial role in shaping the future of human-computer interactions, driving innovation, and improving productivity across multiple industries.

The future of GPT4o is promising, and its potential applications are vast, making it an exciting time for developers and users alike. With continued improvements and widespread accessibility, GPT4o is poised to revolutionize the way we interact with AI technology, paving the way for more intuitive and efficient digital experiences.

Unleash the full potential of AI technologies like GPT4o with Creole Studios – Top Generative AI Development Company. Collaborate on projects that leverage advanced AI capabilities to solve complex challenges and deliver impactful solutions.

Open AI
Bhargav Bhanderi
Bhargav Bhanderi

Director - Web & Cloud Technologies

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